Book Reviews

Book Review: Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to all Creation


If you like clever oomph in a book to keep it fresh, this might be the book for you. In essence, it is a book about evolution and sex, but with the shtick that it is written like a sex-advice column where various creatures ask “Dr. Tatiana” about what they are going through. The character then responds, explaining in detail not only that particular issue, but similar traits found throughout the spectrum of life on Earth. It is a fun and easy read and people who give it a shot will likely enjoy their time.

I wonder how I would think about this book had I not already read Nature’s Nether Regions (reviewed below), which I found to be superior in most ways. For starters, the topic did not really need an embellishing shtick, and many times the author tried too hard, using overly-vulgar terms that one probably wouldn’t find in an advice column. I also found the structure of Nature’s Nether Regions to be better, though the further I got through Dr. Tatiana, the more I appreciated the format. I think it also simply got better as it went.

I wanted to read this book in part because I really wanted to reread Nature’s Nether Regions. It had so much information that it was difficult to retain it all, but it’s hard to reread a book when there are so many more to get to. This one covered many of the topics Menno Schilthuizen did, but also had significant variation, so it was not just review, but contained totally new information. Thus, there is also no reason for concern about reading both.